WSE Cup Qualifying Round is ready to start with three challenging days  

The qualifying act also arrived in the second European men’s competition. the WSE Cup opens its first phase of the four scheduled: the qualifying phase, Round of 16, Quarter-finals and Final Four. 16 teams will fight from tomorrow to Sunday to conquer the first two places in each group and therefore enter the main draw […]

Olot (Spain) will host the WSE Euro Women from 4 to 9 December 2023

The WSE Euro Women Championship will be held from 4 to 9 December 2023 in Olot (Spain) in the rink  Josep Jou of Pavelló d’Esports d’Olot, under the organization of RFEP – Real Federación Española de Patinaje. It is the first time that a European Championship arrives in Olot, the extreme northeast of the Catalunya region, […]